
You've decided to apply for AD:VENTURE - A good decision for you and your business!

What happens next? Once you have submitted your registration using the form below, we'll assess your application against our eligibility criteria. If everything is good to go, we'll send you an email welcoming you to the programme (Watch out for this and check your spam folder

What happens if you are not eligible? It's not personal, the criteria is there to help us to support the clients that our service is suited for and to manage capacity and clients across a variety of support offers in West Yorkshire. If you aren't eligible for this support, there are other options through our partners, so we will direct you to other services that can help you.

If you have any issues completing the form, please contact us and we will do our very best to help you.


Your Contact Details (as Main Contact)

Your Business's Details

Other Business Details

Your Business's Main Trading Address

Your Business's Ownership

Support Required

Subsidy Control

Equality and Diversity Information (optional)

We want to better understand who we are engaging with and hearing from. Effective monitoring of diversity characteristics is a legal requirement under the 2010 Equality Act and by asking these questions we can make sure our work reflects the diverse communities we serve. These questions are optional. If you choose to answer these questions you will not be identified by the information provided.

Marketing Permissions

We want to keep you updated about the support, grants, loans, workshops and events available to you through the programme and from other relevant business support organisations. We will never share your data with other parties outside of the AD:VENTURE programme. By selecting marketing permissions this allows us to share these opportunities with you. You can update your marketing permissions through your portal login at any time.
